1. The Qinali Virus has a new cover. Again. I'm very happy with this one. I think my cover making skills are improving. (I also found some amazing base art, so I can't take all the credit.) I'm currently collecting reviewers. Check here if you are interested in getting a review copy:
2. The Disappeared is going on sale in August. It'll be $0.99 for a week. This is the first sale with this new cover. I'm currently lining up some advertisements in assorted newsletters.
Check here August 10-16 if you still need your copy:
If you've already read it and would like to help me out with a review, go here:
4. Premonition (Book 7) has just been through a major revision based on the editor's comments. It has come out so much stronger. I'm in that break period where I need to just not look at it for a while so my eyes can be fresher on the next pass. It heads back for its next edit in August, and Advanced Review Copies (ARCs) should be out before the end of the year! Ping me if you want to be a reviewer.
5. Late last year, I wrote a short story and submitted it to an anthology. I had trouble staying in the word count. The story clearly wants to be a novella, or possibly a novel. I thought the revisions would be easy. Two days and 10,000 words later, I realize that there is a lot more to do to make this story what it wants to be. So while Premonition is in the holding tank, I'm working on Interpreter. This one takes place on a space station with actual aliens (and no psychics, which is weird).
6. Lost in Transit - the first draft of this novel is complete, but I have come to some very tough realizations about representation vs appropriation, and I'm trying to decide if I can really represent what I want here. I have the great seeds of a story, but I'm not rushing it. So this, too, is on hold for the moment.
And those are my current writing projects.