These are some of the most motivational phrases in my life. They spur me toward a decision, to action, or to rest. They help me be less frustrated with the world.
1. (my life motto) I can be everything I want, just not all at the same time.
Corollary: Embrace your right to dabble.
2. You can’t edit a blank page.
3. Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.
4. Good ideas are a dime a dozen. Pursue the one where you have the most support.
Corollary: Not all great ideas can or should be executed.
5. It’s a 10 minute drink, not a major life decision.
6. There are always more dishes.
7. You can make a wish, but then you have to do the wish. It doesn’t just happen.
Go forth and make good choices. And remember to check out my newest book Amp Squad!
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